Divide and Conquer

Author: R. Mark Wilson B.Min.

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not
quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Solomon is emphasizing an age-old truth; there is strength in
numbers. What is fascinating about this verse is recognizing it doesn’t take a lot of numbers to
increase your strength.

Satan knows this and will see to it that through a person’s pride they remain isolated in the name of,
well, anything, because any excuse is good enough. For example, religious matters are between a
person and their maker and need not be discussed especially openly with others, its private, its
embarrassing. Those who have not received Jesus in a very personal way, who are not reborn from
above, will be susceptible to being isolated. They know of God, but have never met Him through His
Son. They tend to keep their beliefs to themselves and especially what they are praying for. They can
go to Church, but still isolate themselves in their own private world of religious belief.

Satan does well in these kinds of environments. He is able to sow ideas about God which aren’t true.
They have concluded that the Bible is only a bunch of irrelevant stories written a long time ago and
that the stories of changed over the many years it was handed down. That the Bible doesn’t make
sense and they have no interest in reading about such fairy tales, like a worldwide flood, or Moses
parting a sea. That there’s no point in going to Church, don’t have time for it anyway. That I can live
my life the way I want ot live it doing the best that I can will be good enough to get into Heaven.
Well, God is a loving God is He not? He wouldn’t send anyone to Hell unless they have been really

A person that concludes in this way is simply deceived. The reason why we have others around us, is
to openly discuss these thoughts and beliefs to see if they are true based on what God has already
told us in His Word. We come together to challenge one another and this way we protect ourselves
from believing the lies. Satan has only one tool, deception. He will use our ignorance of God’s ways
to persuade us to believe ideas that sound good, but are actually counterfeit truths. They appear to
be true but are designed to entice and lead us away to destruction. Stay connected to other true
Chrsitians, keep from being polluted. Jesus said to His Disciples, you are all clean because of the
Word I have spoken to you.