God is so loving

Author: R. Mark Wilson B.Min.

God is so loving, He loves everyone, He would never make a place called Hell and damn them for
eternity. He is so merciful and forgiving, everyone will end up in Heaven singing Kumbaya. “a
kumbaya moment, referring to an effort to get opposing interests to reconcile in the name of

So how true is this type of thinking. Demons love to deceive and they are artful in taking a part of
the truth and twisting it for their own use. Yes, God is love. But just like you and I, He has a lot of
other attributes too. I love how God has given principles here on earth, things we can see to help us
to understand the things we can’t see, in the spirit realm. Take the family for instance. Father and
Mother, married of course, the two become one. The Mother figure, loving, caring, nurturing and
supportive. She loves unconditionally no matter how bad we are. Father, supportive, provider,
defender, authoritative, disciplinary and provides a sense of safety and security. Here we have some
of the attributes of God, embodied in two people and through marriage, they work together in the
family as one.

Should the Mother just love unconditionally no matter what the children get up too. Should the
Father neglect his duties of disciplining, teaching and instructing his children? This is a typical
scenario when a father has left the mother and she ends up as a solo parent, with having to play a
role that doesn’t come naturally to her and we have seen the impact of that on society over the past
50 years. No, the children need the fear of the father and his angry voice as a means of restraining
them from going astray. They also need the love and support after they have been disciplined to
know that they are an important and valued member of the family, but that we must behave in a
certain manner. They need tough love and that can only come from the father with the full support
and backing of the mother. The two must be in unison on all matters pertaining to the upbringing
and discipline of their children.

So, as you can see, God will also deal with His children in a like manner. But He is dealing with adults
and there have been some very proud and bad adults over the course of history. So does God just
love Hitler when he sees him in heaven and say, oh well, you made some mistakes, but come on in
anyway. Isn’t God a God of justice as well as love. Does He not love all the victims that were
butchered and terrorized by Hitler? Where’s the justice for them? This sort of Kumbaya thinking is
deeply flawed. If Hitler didn’t repent before he died and call upon Jesus for forgiveness, he will die in
his sinful state and he will be unchanged, untransformed in Heaven also. He will continue where he
left off on earth. Jesus transforms the heart, without that transformed heart before you die, you will
end up in that unrepentant, proud, evil state as you were on earth. You need to be separated for the
sake of those who have repented. Otherwise you end up corrupting Heaven also. And it only takes
one bad apple to spoil the bunch.

Vengeance is mine, I will repay says the Lord Dueteronomy 32:35. This is how it works, as children
we must be ready to forgive each other, no matter how bad it got. Even forgiving Hitler? Yes, even
forgiving those who have hurt your loved ones. Remember, we will all see each other again, pain and
suffering is extremely difficult to deal with, but it only lasts for a time. Then there is peace in God’s
presence once you cross over. Once everyone has crossed over, God says that He will separate the
chaff from the wheat, bringing the wheat into His barn, Heaven and putting the chaff into piles to be
burned. God has made a place for all those who have denied Jesus. This place we call Hell. It is
simply a place where God’s presence has been removed. Here on earth we have a mixture of thepresence of God and the influence of Satan in the form of rebellion and evil. Once we all cross over,
these will be separated all the way down to death itself. Those He rewards and gives eternal life and
those to eternal punishment and ultimately the lake of fire. This is where God repays Hitler, right
now he is in Hell living through the pain he caused others, being meted out against him. For every
single one of his victims. This is where God says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. We are to
forgive, but God will justly repay. Yes, Hitler won’t be in Heaven, he is getting God’s loving and
deserved Justice!