It’s a place you come to which protects you from any abuse or criticism from others whether they are close to you or not and which provides you with a set of tools to help you deal with the ongoing injustice and effects thereof.

So how is this possible. It is only possible by having your identity completely rooted in your Father in Heaven. When your only concern is what Jesus thinks of you and putting into practice His ways. Then you will have the ultimate victory and see God’s good and perfect will prevail. If you take matters into your own hands, try to justify and defend yourself which is a natural response, you will only find yourself getting into heated discussions, even arguments and this becomes a dead end and you will end up feeling worse for doing it.

Dying to yourself is the key to getting started. Die to your pride, die to your ego, die to your desire to be justified. When you die to these things, you are actually transferring them from your hands into Gods hands. One of Gods character traits is to bring justice to you, whether in this life or the next. By spending time in His Word and time in worship, you start to take on the image of the Son.

Jesus’ main focus was on doing what the Father had sent Him to do. So we too need to be consumed with what God has put us on this earth to do. If you’re not sure, then loving people close and far and praying for strangers is a great place to start. Keep your eyes on the big picture and not petty disputes. During the immense pressure Jesus was under against His false accusers at His trials before His crucifixion, He would remain silent. Then He gave them what they wanted to hear, securing His death.

What are our weapons. We know that they are not carnal. They are spiritual weapons which are far more powerful. Firstly, they are exercised in faith, because we believe that when we put them into practice, God will see that they are carried out with great effectiveness. Here they are, found firstly in Revelation 12:11.

“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”

We use the blood of the lamb to protect us and our families from spiritual attack, we know our testimony which protects us from questioning Gods existence and ever available help and we are ready to go home to be with the Lord at any moment because we trust Him for preserving our life as this protects us from the threats of people.  Having that sorted, which is our self-defence and shield, we move on to the next part which is our sword and method of attack… Luke 6:27-28.

                “But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.”

This is where it gets really powerful. Love. If you start this late, you will find it difficult to pray for those who are giving you a hard time. But once you get started it becomes easier. Then it becomes second nature, and you pray for them automatically. So in your prayer, first just bless them, use their name in the blessing, tell God you forgive them, use their name again in the forgiving, tell God you love them and want the best for them and their families. Ask God to draw them to Jesus if they aren’t saved. Bless their work, their home that they may be protected. The more blessings you can think of the better. Through this type of prayer, you build a love for them that you didn’t have before you started. Prayer builds a loving atmosphere. And when you see that person again, there is a change in the atmosphere, you will see them differently, doing good towards them, saying kind words, they pick up on this and then they start acing differently towards you and before you know it, you will be both restored miraculously! Amen.

This is how you become bulletproof. You see the attack, you feel the attack, you quickly know how to respond, your response immediately protects you from harm and you kick into gear with your partner Jesus in combating the evil influences behind this spiritual assault. You are a seasoned warrior, you don’t take anything personally!