It doesn’t matter

Author: R. Mark Wilson B.Min.

When you know Jesus, It doesn’t matter … anymore. When you don’t know Jesus, everything
matters. As a reborn Christian, it’s important to know the end game. What is the end game? We go
home to be with the Lord in Paradise and in a hundred thousand years from now, what you are
currently worrying about will be long forgotten.
For those without the Lord, everything matters. What people think of me, can I pay the bills, will I
lose my wife, my job, my house or my life with this terrible illness. The most impacting examples of a
life are those who see beyond their own problems. They can still give to a small need, while not
knowing where the money will come from to meet their mortgage payment. They can give
encouragement to another sick person, while they are battling with their own sickness. It’s giving out
of the little they have so God can multiply it and make it something much bigger.
There is a process we need to go through in learning how to let go. Jesus teaches us this and it goes

something like this.
Trust in God
Learn to die to yourself
Cast all your cares upon Him
Do your part, God will do His part.
Remember, it all doesn’t matter.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own
understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” Allowing
God to be your guide begins with a commitment to trust. God cannot lead you where you will not
follow. Meditate on the qualities of God, His Character. He cannot lie. He is trustworthy. You start
everything with a decision, so decide to trust Him.

Jesus says, “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only
a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while
anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” John 12:24-26. Put others
ahead of you, be other focused, other sensitive. Ask questions, see where people are at, what’s
really going on in their lives.

1 Peter 5:7 (AMP) casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your
concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and
watches over you very carefully]. He knows what you are going through before you even ask.
So don’t be stubborn and proud, sit down with Him and pour out your heart, He understands,
then submit your problems into His hands and give Him the space to work on your behalf.

This doesn’t exclude us from doing our part. We get on with life, being diligent, facing our
problems head on. Do Not Avoid your problems. If you have to phone someone or ask
someone for help, do it. God gives grace to the humble, but resists the proud. When you’re
playing doubles tennis, you don’t just stand back and watch your partner play the whole
court. No, you take one side and the Holy Spirit takes the other side. When the ball comes
your way, you hit it back. These are the things you can control, like doing life as described
above. But when the ball goes over to your partner, don’t rush over and try and hit the ball
hogging the court. These are the things you can’t control, like how someone will react, will
they sue you, will they leave you, will my sickness spread. You can’t control these things, but
God can. When you catch yourself thinking this way, worrying about things you can’t
control, put some worship on and thank God for how He is going to deal with it and come
through for you. Thank Him in advance before you have even seen it.

God is in ultimate control, thank Him and praise Him always, it’s so powerful. Be grateful that you
have the God of the universe helping you. But, no matter the outcome, remember the end game. To
have Jesus, to know Him, is eternal life, it will all pass away, and God will wipe away every tear.
Learn to accept, keep your eyes on Him, keep doing what He wants you to do.

Now that you have seen the miraculous power of God, you go testify to others. This builds up your
faith and the faith of others. More importantly, you are building a foundation of rock for your faith,
stone by stone. Each stone cemented in place. As you put into practice what we have talked about
here, as you trust God again and He comes through for you again, these are the stones building a
rock solid foundation of your faith. You become excited for the next challenge, to see how God will
come through for you again. Instead of fretting and worrying, it’s a huge difference!