The Copycat Deceiver

Author: R. Mark Wilson B.Min.

When I was in China, I came across many shops that sold copies of Microsoft software and watches
that were copies of the very expensive watches that come from Switzerland. I don’t know much
about brand watches and I would have a major problem telling a copy Rolex apart from the real
Rolex but if I did a bit of research on what to look out for, it wouldn’t take me long to recognise the
fake after some close scrutiny. However, if I was an expert, I would be able to tell immediately.
Satan is the deceiver of nations and he sets out to copy everything that God has made and done. His
only weapon is to deceive us into giving him authority over us. We do this out of ignorance, we
become sheep and cattle to be led off to the abattoir. The goal is to ensure that whom he and his
demons have deceived, stay in that state until the day of their death. However, if we can be tricked
into bringing the day of our death forward, all the better!

The antidote to this deception will take a bit of patience and study. The Bible, the Word of God is the
antidote. The preserved Word of God has everything we need to defeat the tricks and lies of the
enemy. But if you are not a “reborn” child of God, then you still belong to Satan and he will do
everything in his power to make it difficult for you to sit and read the Bible. Whether it be a timely
text, a problem at work or the kids starting to argue. You will have to fight to get out of the power of
his grip. Talk to Jesus first. Ask Him to make a way for you, help you to understand what you are
reading. Find a Bible based church and attend regularly and then give over your life to Jesus and ask
Him to wash away your sins and live for Him doing what He wants you to do.

One of the last signs in these end times, are what are described as NDE’s. These are Near Death
Experiences. There predominantly 2 types. One with Jesus, which are experienced by those who are
Christians or those who Jesus has, what I would describe loosely as having a legal dominion over.
There are many other reasons that non Christians have met Jesus and are transformed. Many of
these have had loved ones praying for them for many years. This gives the Lord what I would
describe as legal access to intervene. Then there are many who testify of having amazing
experiences without meeting the Lord at all. They experience Peace, Love and an overwhelming
assurance that everything is going to be ok. The giveaways are in their testimony, they meet loved
ones, they see a bright light, they see a shadowy figure, they fall down dark tunnels and they return
to their bodies no longer fearing death and certainly no need whatsoever to seek out the Saviour
and have their sins washed by His sacrifice on the cross. This is a great and difficult deception to get
out of. These people have had a very dramatic and life changing experience and to tell them that it
was all a great stage play, put on by Satan won’t go down very well. They were sold a fake Rolex, a
Rolex they take great pride in and they return to their western country only to be told by someone
that cares about them that their watch they paid a lot of money for is a fake. Oh dear!

Why is Satan allowed to do this, to deceive so convincingly after they pass over for a few moments?
It’s called legal access. God is a God of Justice. Satan as the prosecutor and the accuser stands up in
court and says, God, this man or woman has denied you their whole life and have been following me
because they despise who you are and they despise your word. I therefore exercise my claim over
them. Jesus as the councillor for the defence stands up and says, it is true Father, they have rejected
Me and my Word. Satan now has a lawful right to give that person the delusion they deserve,
because that is what they were wanting all along when they didn’t submit to the call of the Holy
Spirit and yield to be taught the Truth!