The True and the False Believer

Author: R. Mark Wilson B.Min.

It’s important to be aware that many who consider themselves to be Christian’s are not Christians at
all, but have a sort of Christian flavour. Jesus says, that many will call me Lord, but on that day I will
tell them I do not know you! Matthew 7:21–23. When you read this passage, there is a key piece in
the middle, “only those who do the will of the Father”. A false Christian is a person who leads a
‘good’ life, but is leading their own life. They wake in the morning thinking about all the things they
need to do for the day and it may be the cares and concerns of the world which is honourable, but
these things consume their mind. Or it may be about meeting up with friends later that night for
dinner and drinks, or the next ocean cruise. They casually swear a little and blaspheme Gods name,
but don’t see it as a big deal. Drinking a bit much with friends is okay also, what harm is it doing as
everyone is having a good time. They are living in accordance to what they want to do, oblivious to
the needs and concerns of others around them that God wants them to touch. They don’t share
their faith in God, because that is a private matter, best kept to oneself. They pray when they need
something, they go to Church when it suits them and don’t see any need to read the Bible. They live
in fear, wondering if their kids will be safe in this ever changing world, living for today, because you
could be dead tomorrow. They are blind to their own nakedness and are deceived, thinking that God
loves them unconditionally and God certainly doesn’t send good people like themselves to Hell. They
have a god that is made up, a god that suits their beliefs and lifestyle. It is a false god, they are
breaking the first and second commandments; they are sadly deceived.

The true believer is devoted to doing what God wants them to do in their life. They make certain
practices a foundation on which they build their life. They pray and if married pray with their spouse
and spend time with God in worship, this may be in the car or hanging out the washing, not always
in the secret room, but they find a way. They read their Bible most days and they get to Church each
week. They pray for people they meet during the day; they are more concerned for those around
them then for themselves. Instead of gossiping about others, they pray for those around them,
aware of what’s going on in their lives. They have a love for God and a love for people. They hear
what God is saying to them because they spend the time seeking His face. They understand the fight
that is going on in their lives, how Satan wants to draw them away from their devotion to Jesus and
get lured into enjoying this life with over indulgence in movies and TV series and the demands of
kids, spouse, work and finances. In the face of adversity, they fear not. Their foundation is their
relationship with the Lord, they know exactly what to do, they cry out to the Lord, they make their
requests known, they have peace and an inner joy knowing that the Lord will not delay. Whether
they live or die is not their concern, their lives are in the hands of the Lord. They know how to tithe,
as they understand the key principles of handing everything over to Jesus, their family, their
business and their finances. Trusting God who blesses them and is their supplier. They openly share
their faith, for they are not embarrassed about talking about their relationship with Jesus and they
know the importance of their role in working with the Holy Spirit in bringing the deceived into
repentance. They understand the Gospel message and know how to deliver it in their style.