What I learnt on Spiritual Warfare

Author: R. Mark Wilson B.Min.

In my early Christian conversion, I would receive very powerful dreams and visions from Jesus, who
taught me about how to do effective battle in the spirit realm. Unless you purposefully invite Sate
and his demons into your life to do their will through you, the only means this enemy has over your
life is through your ignorance and deception. He will attempt to get you to do things that seem
harmless, but if you had read the Word of God, you would know better and be deception proof. You
must first understand how the spiritual kingdom functions as it is not based on a democratic system,
they do not put items to a vote. Orders come down from the top, so therefore it is military rule.
Satan’s kingdom, the kingdom of darkness uses fear to force those in the lower ranks to carry out
the orders of the higher ranks.

God’s kingdom is also under military rule, a Theocracy, but the higher ranks are serving those who
are in the lower ranks and the lower ranks carry out the commands of the higher ranks because of
the love and devotion they have for their King Jesus and those above them. But there is only one
who is called the ‘King of Kings’ that by the name of Jesus, every created and living person and spirit
being will bend their knee. So the kingdom of darkness must bend the knee at the name of Jesus and
to those who come in His name to carry out His orders.

For us on the earth, where this earthly realm was handed over to Satan when Adam and Eve ate of
the forbidden fruit are under a blanket of blindness. When we bow our knee to Jesus and confess
Him as our personal Lord and Saviour, we transfer our lives from Satan’s kingdom to God’s Kingdom
and the power of the name of Jesus is at our disposal according to His will. We now have authority
over the whole of Satan’s kingdom. But like a new officer of the law, you have the uniform on, but
now you need to be trained up so that you can know the law and have practiced it in the
marketplace to pull up the offender and issue fines and orders etc. Nobody who has a uniform on,
uses a timid voice, when they see an offender, they use a loud authoritative voice knowing that they
have the full backing of the police force and judicial system behind them. They also know that they
can’t operate outside the legal extent of the law. They know the law and enforce it!

For us to be properly trained up in the way of the Lord is to know the Bible. To understand its
principles and applications. This is where we learn about the spiritual authority we have over the
kingdom of darkness. Jesus first says, ““I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.” Matt
28:18. He announces His full authority over all the seen and the unseen, then says, “And he called
the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and
he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.” Luke 9:1-2. Another powerful
protection we now have is the blood of Jesus. We need to declare the blood of Jesus over our loved
ones and around the boundaries of our properties. The blood is like a veil between us and the
kingdom of darkness, the demons want to harm God’s newly adopted children, but they are
prevented. The demons can harm those on the earth that don’t belong to God, but because they are
already in darkness, there is no point in bringing themselves to their attention especially when they
don’t believe in such nonsense. What better enemy to be, when the ones you hate don’t believe you
exist, right! When I became reborn from above, then the demons came out of the woodwork to
intimidate me that I become afraid and remain silent.

Binding and Loosing. Jesus gives a powerful parable regarding the kingdom of darkness in Mark 3:27.
“In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up. Then he can plunder the
strong man’s house.” I had a vision of a very strong man, much bigger than me turning around to
face me. I was on high alert and felt a tremendous fear of what was about to happen. You see, a
vision is a dream taken to the next level, why, because instead of being asleep, you are seeing it all
play out while you are awake! Jesus simply said to me “Bind the strong man”. So who is that strong
man influencing your unsaved loved one or your nasty neighbour. Is it anger, is it the love of the
world, pray for a word from the Lord regarding the person concerned, then simply declare out loud
in your private prayer time, ‘I bind that demon of anger over whoever the name of the person is, in
the name of Jesus, I declare your influence and power bound up” Then pray and bless the person
with what you would like to see happen in accordance with Gods will. A very powerful process for
blessing is found in Luke 6:27-28 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to
those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you”. I have seen
people who have sought out to do me harm and with a process of this simple verse, have seen them
totally reverse their actions.

Another couple of keys the Lord showed me was to keep a heart of a child. A child believes
immediately anything their parents tell them without reservation. And will rush off to do it if it
involved an action. We must be the same towards the Holy Spirit. Careful to listen, and put it into
action before the thinking mind kicks in. This is a lot easier to say than to do. Now that we are adults
it takes some undoing as we tend to question everything or think it through before taking action.
Fear kicks in and then the voices of the enemy cover over the first command from the Holy Spirit,
and the moment is lost.

Another key I was shown, was the airways between the earth and Heaven. Jesus said “they
command the airways” I was shown demons flying in planes above the earth, not literal planes, but
the Lord was illustrating to me that the demons command the airways that sit between us and
Heaven. He was saying, when going into a new area that you want to be effective in, “clear the
airways” or take authority over the airways above you like a traffic controller. You again give the
orders out in the name of Jesus, demons are forced to obey because of the authority you have been
given in Jesus. But, we are nothing without Jesus.