Why Jesus is the only way!

Author: R. Mark Wilson B.Min.

If you don’t believe in God, then you have a major problem figuring out how the instruction manual
for our bodies just wrote itself by chance! When the scientific community calls the DNA a code or a
Manual, then that by definition prescribes an intelligent mind that did the coding and who wrote the
manual. I’ve never picked up a Manual out of a library and marvelled at how it produced itself by
some random process. No, that’s just doesn’t make sense.

Even the man who lead the international research initiative that mapped the 3.1 Billion base pairs in
Human DNA, Dr. Francis Collins, once a staunch atheist, became a Christian because of the
discoveries that were made while undertaking this research! Or what about the very complicated
biochemical systems that had to be present before evolution could take place, so how did these

OK, so God exists, but in what form does He come in. Is he Allah, Krishna, Buddha or one or all of the
millions of gods to the Hindi? Well, using logic and common sense, these can be narrowed down
very quickly to the Truth revealed in Jesus Christ. Every single religion, apart from Biblical
Christianity, requires a person to be ‘good’ to get to Heaven or its equivalent. So these followers are
doing the best they can to lead a good life, to not upset their gods by making offerings and doing
prayer rituals, never knowing whether they have been good enough, or have done enough, or
offered enough or burnt enough incense to make it in the afterlife! They are just simply hoping for
the best!

This is no way to live, no wonder many people shrug off the idea of God, so they can do what they
want and gain a pseudo freedom. This also is a dead end, because they have no certainty that God
doesn’t exist and are hoping that there is nothing after they die.
So, what is a fair and reasonable answer to this dilemma. Well, it’s simply Relationship! Relationship
solves all of the problems of guessing. God, simply came off his glossy throne in Heaven, born of a
young virgin woman, grew to be a man and dwelt amongst us. He is Jesus Christ! You get into
Heaven by knowing the man who owns the house. I can knock on my friend’s door and with
confidence know that he will invite me in and I will soon be sitting at his kitchen table drinking coffee
together. Why, because I’m a good person that offered offerings at the correct time and prayed 5
times a day all my life? No, I get in, because I ‘know’ him and he knows me.
So, how do I get to know God? God revealed Himself in the person of Jesus Christ, so there could be
no mistake. Otherwise the concept of God, is up for individual and corporate interpretation. What
God is to me could be very different to what God could be to you. But just as each person is their
own individual, with their own personality traits and characteristics, likes and dislikes, so too is God.
We need to know God in truth, and not be deceived about characteristics of God that are simply not

So where does ‘good works’ fit in? When we know someone, we get to know what they are doing,
what they like and dislike, when their birthday is coming up. We get them a present, well we know
what type of present to get. When we go out for a meal, I know what type of restaurant they enjoy.
And I’m not going to do anything that would offend my friend, I want to please him, because of the
relationship we have. I will do good things in our relationship, and it’s not labour some its easy
because I love my friend. This is the same with God, we come to know and love the man Jesus and
we follow after Him, becoming more like Him each day.

What about Jesus’ claim of divinity? Did He claim to be God Himself? When debating with the
religious leaders, He made the “I AM” Statement, of which the Jews knew very well what it meant,
because God Himself used that term when He revealed Himself to Moses at the burning bush. The
main reason Jesus got Himself into trouble with the Sanhedrin, the religious council, was for
blasphemy, claiming to be God. People He healed would fall down and worship at His feet with
gratitude but He did not correct them as the Angels did, saying worship is for God alone. Jesus came
as the Lamb of God, to be led by His Father and to serve mankind to show the love of God, He did
not declare word for word, I AM GOD, as this self-declaration comes across as conceited and goes
against the very nature of God. His God hood was reserved for special revelation to those who were
open hearted for the Truth, but kept from the proud. Is this Polytheism, not at all, is it impossible for
God to be in Heaven as the Father as well as on earth as the Son with the fullness of the Father?
Does Jesus give us any feedback regarding this unique relationship? He most certainly does. He says
when you put your faith and trust in Me alone, I will send you the Holy Spirit, He will be in you and
with you and will lead you unto truth. It truly is and does become a two-way relationship. Jesus will
come in to you and sup with you and He will make Himself known to you in a very deep and personal
way. Be willing to let go of everything you hold dear and be willing to change and be like Him. He is
trustworthy, will you trust Him today. If you are, get in touch so I can teach you what to do next. God